Hello all my furends! It's Mia here! Usually, I like to lay on the tile in the kitchen. It feels so cold and so good on my belly on a warm day.

However, yesterday was really really cold and rainy so there was only one solution for my big and most beawooootifulest self...

RELOCATE! I decided to relocate to the nice, warm, comfy couch where I can snuggle and hang out with my boy and his toys, especially his stuffie. I know that the big bear is his most favorate stuffie, so I wouldn't even think about ripping it to shreds, scattering his guts all over the house, and then eating it's eyeballs as if they were little gooey gummie bears...no way...not me...I just snuggles with it and loves on it because I know it's special to my boy. Mack on the other hand...well...you see his big ugly blonde tail circling the area like a hungry SHARK...nuff said!
Wags and Woofs,