Anyhoo, she made me take a picture with my boy and *GASP* one of the cats, Milo!! Please don't tell Mack because he will SO make fun of me!
Here we are. Do I look happy?
This was like the 32457 picture. Woe is me.
My boy is really enjoying the new puppy. He is very gentle and loving. He is also a HAM.
Here is Cujo moving in on Mack's red ball. He will learn soon. NO DOGGY touches the RED ball, but MACK.
SEE! What did I tell you. This is Cujo running to mom like a little baby!
Oh my Dog! Cujo is challenging Mack! He is going for the jugular!

RAWR! Too bad Mack's head is bigger than Cujo's whole body. Figuratively and literally! Who do woo think won THAT battle?!?!
Here is Cujo CLEARLY mistaking me for the blond labradude. We had a talk..
Cujo apologized for his actions and came back to his senses. HELLO?! I'm Mia, the 'nice' one.
Hey guys!! Cujo is in da house!! Cujo is taking over!!
Cujo is stealing Macks bed and his blankey too!!
Are woo laughing at the Cujo! So what if the Cujo plays with cat toys! What's that about Mack's red ball? I don't like that dumb thing anyway! It has cooties!!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack, Mia, and Cujo